Fogra 記事:interim audit 期中考

Fogra 的認證期為兩年,中間會有一次期中認證,只需寄件就好。

10月初 Jürgen 就來mail要我們準備,準備內容如下
As the interim audit is just a rough test, we only need six standardized printed sheets of an arbitrary print job.
This job shall have a suitable print control strip, where we measure the solid tone colours and the tone value increase in the mid-tone and the shadow region.
The subject should have enough ink taking accross the format, in order to make reliable measurements.
Furthermore we need one contract proof (arbitrary subject) with a media wedge for the same paper type (in your case PT1/2). These prints must be sent to Fogra.

1. 寄任一印件的6張印刷品,需含有 mid-tone(40%) 及shadow(80%)測量點,要有足夠的印紋面積。
2. 一張任一印件的數位打樣,需含 media wedge。

期間我問了印件尺寸、期限及 media wedge V2 或 v3 的使用,Jürgen 說都可以,我們於是還是用 v2.


Jürgen 於 11/13 回覆


Dear Mr. Kuo,
the supplied samples for the intermediate test showed good results. All solid tones and tone value increases as well as the media wedge have been within the tolerance range.
Best regards

Jürgen Gemeinhardt

PS: There is no measuring report intended for this intermediate test.



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